About Us


The 17th Avenue Business Improvement Area (BIA) is committed to preserving the diverse and energetic character of the area’s business community. We advocate for public safety, revitalize public spaces, implement placemaking initiatives and collaborate with City departments to enhance economic well-being and attract new businesses, fostering a thriving and inclusive environment for all.

We are a not-for-profit association that is funded by an annual levy collected from the businesses within the BIA boundary. The City of Calgary is responsible for determining levy amounts and the collection of said levy.


Launched in 1984 and originally incorporated as Uptown 17, the 17th Ave Business Improvement Area was the first BIA in Calgary, and the second in the province. Back then, the boundaries extended to MacLeod Trail in the east and 15th Street in the west, however in the early ‘90’s the boundaries were redefined when a group of property owners approached the BIA about the need for additional revitalization and improvements to the area. Realizing that costs precluded doing the entire area, the Board of Directors petitioned the City of Calgary to have the area redefined, resulting in the boundaries that remain today. Our borders are from 16th Street to 2nd Street SW along 17th Ave SW and several blocks of 14th (up to 12 Ave SW), 8th Street SW (up to 14th Ave SW) and 11th Street (up to 14th Ave SW).

Contact Us

17th Ave Business Improvement Area, 306-1550 8th St. SW Calgary, AB T2R 1K1