Being a fan of menswear and anytime someone says that menswear is restricted and not as versatile as women’s clothing, we must argue otherwise. It doesn’t matter what sex you are or what you do for a living, there are countless ways to make a stand for your personal style – there are ways to be creative, to experiment, and to speak your personal story through the likes of your outfit choices.
And Joel Cochrane agrees – he sees fashion as a great way to express himself and to have a good time, and he’s thrilled to be living in a time where pretty much anything goes and trends can be adapted to your personal liking or otherwise left behind. He chooses to be himself and walks to the beat of his creative lifestyle.
How would you describe your personal style?
It’s kind of a cross between rock and roll and punk, with just a dash of high street thrown in when I need it. I like designers John Varvatos, D&G as well as the local designer, Haithem Elkadikki, who does really fun t-shirts, and whatever else you might want. I suppose I love the fact that these days you can kind of do whatever you want to.
What do you think is the most important part of putting together an outfit?
This is tricky, as sometimes it’s the shoes, sometimes the jacket, sometimes the pants. Most importantly it’s to have a sense of how you are presenting yourself, and what you want to say with your clothing. Your clothes speak volumes about you. Fashion is so much fun, and not that difficult when it comes to developing a personal style. It doesn’t have to be a chore or a scary thing, or something that you leave in someone else’s hands.
What’s one thing in your closet you couldn’t part with?
I have a black multi-button JV jacket, which is, hands down, the essential piece of my wardrobe. That and a grey scarf that goes with just about everything I own… so I guess that’s actually two things.
What current fashion trends are you most excited about and why?
The biggest trend I love for men is that there is no trend. Call it the “no trend” trend! Essentially you can dress how you like, in whatever way is most important to you when it comes to expressing yourself. I love the fact that men now dress in a more relaxed, fun and stylish way. I love hats, and scarves, but I love the fact that you can truly be yourself, and make your clothes an expression of who and what you are as a man. Whether that’s more classic, or flamboyant, or a little more rock and roll, like me – be yourself, and just have fun and be conscious of what looks good on you.
Anything you would never do when it comes to fashion?
Well, I would never wear anything khaki or oxford cloth conservative again… but that’s just me! That being said, what’s nice about fashion now is that you can make a lot of different things work. So… if you know what looks good on you, never say never!
Something within fashion you can’t wait to try that you’re yet to do?
Uhmmmm, nope! I am pretty satisfied with my fashion adventures thus far! Although, a really styling tux would be fun, as that’s something I haven’t done in a very long time!
What’s your favourite part of 17th Avenue as a whole?
Right here where we are now, around Beano. It’s a fun, vibrant, very big city. There are a lot of fun people to watch and great street life and energy.
What are some of your favourite spots on 17th and why?
I frequent a number of places along 17th. Beano, Una, Ox & Angela, Local 510, The Ship. I suppose it’s the energy and the good feelings on the street. There is an eclectic vibrancy of being down here, whether you live here, which I do, or not, that is contagious.
What else would you like to see on 17th Avenue in the future?
A continuation of unique stores, not big box places, which is always tricky because the merchants have to be able to make a living. And, of course, a continuation of great restaurants and cafes and bars.