Katy Bond is an incredible and stylish woman about town, and she’s easy to spot with her bold and fabulous hair, and her diverse array of interesting outfits. She’s an entrepreneur, a big supporter of the arts and her personal style can be described as colourful and fun – what’s not to love about that!
What’s your favourite part of 17th Avenue as a whole?
The fact that it is a collection of locally owned (for the most part) shops, restaurants, and businesses. This creates an eclectic and vibrant community.
How would you describe your personal style?
I’ve been told that I am quite theatrical with my style – I call it having fun. I do think it is eclectic, and I generally mix high end items with thrift finds.
What do you think is the most important part of putting together an outfit?
How it makes you feel.
What’s one thing in your closet you couldn’t part with ?
I have this jacket that is a one of a kind design made out of vintage Japanese imperial family kimono fabric. The designer is have Japanese/Canadian and his grandmother used to be a seamstress for the imperial family, which is how he acquired all this incredible fabric. The jacket is an incredible work of art. I have only worn it a handful of times over the years.
How do you think your career has influenced your personal style?
As a public relations professional and business owner, I am naturally always representing my brand and that of our clients, so I need to always be refined. However, because my work is also creative, I can be a bit more playful.
What Spring/Summer trend are you most excited about?
I have no idea. I don’t really follow trends. But I definitely plan on rocking palazzo pants this season (I just found an awesome pair at one of my favourite thrift stores).
What are some of your favourite spots on 17th and why? (coffee shops, restaurants, clothing stores).
My go-to’s tend to be:
Indian tea with almond milk at Caffe Beano (my favourite warm beverage hands down).
You can’t go wrong with a good old patio session at Ship & Anchor.
And I will always have a soft spot for Una.
What else would you like to see on 17th Avenue in the future?
I would love to see more small restaurant/ lounges. In larger cities that tends to be a lot more prevalent. It’s starting to happen a bit more which is exciting.