This month, our 17th Ave. Street Style Huntress, Aldona B., is all about the Canadiana. Catch up with Aldona as she talks style & substance with Noelle Sylvester, who’s does jean-on-jean the right way.
Aldona B.: “The Canadian tuxedo. Sexy and cool, it’s a trend that’s been making a splash in the fashion world for some time, and appears to be staying put.
Here, Noelle Sylvester demonstrates her fresh and funky style with a denim shirt and jeans combo. What knocks her ensemble out of the park is the interplay between the two different shades of denim in two different fabrics.
Not only is she doing it right, but the look also works with her personal style aesthetic and desire to be comfortable and stylish.
She adds funky shades and neutral shoes to really make her denim pop.”
How would you describe your personal style? What stands out to you when you notice someone else’s personal style?
“Bohème denim queen. Stylish comfort is what I admire about other people’s style.”
What do you think is the most important part of putting together an outfit?
“Comfort is the most important to me. Not just being physically comfortable, but an all-over comfort with the look; something you can throw on and don’t have to think about during the day.”
What one thing in your closet could you never part with?
“The aquamarine cocktail ring I inherited from my Nana.”
Now that autumn is right around the corner, what fall trend are you excited for?
“The chunky sweater.”
What’s the last thing you purchased on 17th Ave?
“White Birkenstocks from Gravity Pope.”
What else would you like to see on 17th Avenue in the future?
“More independent boutiques, and maybe some chain stores for fashion staples like the jersey t-shirt.”
What are some of your favourite spots on 17th and why?
“I love Cafe Beano for my favourite coffee in Calgary; Gravity Pope for their vast selection of quality footwear and their amazing customer service; The Ship & Anchor because, well, it’s the Ship; and Una Pizza for everything my heart desires.”
What’s your favourite drink and from where?
“The Pop Shoppe Negroni at Cilantro.”
Why do you spend time on 17th?
“Because it is the heart of the city.”